written by: Nem
If you've come to our website searching for IT band syndrome, chances are that you are currently struggling with IT band (i.e. ilitibial band) and feeling discomfort on the outside of your leg and outer portion of your knee. written by: Nem
Do you have pain around your knee cap when squatting or descending stairs? Does it get worse after prolonged sitting? In case you have any of these symptoms, chances are that you might have patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), also called "the runner’s knee". written by: Nem
Pain is a complex phenomenon and just because you have pain, doesn't mean you actually have any significant tissue damage. There are many factors involved that can cause an injury and create pain when running. Having said that, these are some of the most common contributing factors: written by: Nem
Strength training has many benefits for runners. We already know from the research that strength training can: 1.Improve running efficiency 2.Improve running speed 3.Improve muscle power 4.Reduce the risk of injuries 5.Support the healing process (rehab protocols for common running-related injuries like IT band syndrome, shin splints, runners knee, Achilles tendonitis, and stress fractures utilize strength training to trigger the healing response) written by: Nem
Shin splints plague many runners and it has been estimated that this condition accounts for almost 17% of all running related injuries. The most common symptoms of shin splints include pain along the inner side of your lower leg (i.e. tibia) and this is due to inflammation of the muscles, tendons and bone tissue in that region. |