written by: Nem When setting up your health and fitness goals, it is essential that you figure out your “why.” We are not talking here about superficial “why” like for example “I want to get healthier” or "I want to lose weight". We are talking about the deep emotional reason behind your health and fitness goals. Why do you exactly want to improve health, become more fit, lose weight, gain muscle, run a specific race or get stronger? Skipping this step and not getting to the bottom of it, might mean a difference between significant, long-lasting results and no results at all. Having a strong enough “why” and an emotional reason behind your goals will give you a clear vision, determination, and energy needed to do the work that is necessary to achieve your goals. You will be willing to sacrifice your short-term gratifications in favor of long-term success. It is the driving force that allows you to keep pushing forward even when you are tired, had a bad day or lack willpower. It is relatively easy to do the right things when you are motivated, have time, and lead a low-stress life. However, when life gets busy and things don’t go according to plan, that is when you need your “why” the most. FINDING YOUR WHYTo find your personal “Why,” you need to dig deep and be completely honest with yourself. Let’s say you want to lose weight. You need to ask yourself why you want to lose weight. To help you with that, try using the 5 Whys technique. For example: 1. Why do you want to lose weight? Because I want to look good. 2. Why do you want to look good? Because looking good makes me feel energized and confident. 3. Why is that important? Because feeling energized and confident allows me to achieve my personal and professionals goals. 4. Why is that important? Reaching personal and professional goals will allow me to live a fulfilling life. 5. Why? Because… because that’s why! It is clear that by the 5th “Why” we managed to figure out the real reason why this individual wants to reach his weight loss goal. In this case, losing weight means much more than just losing weight and looking better. It means feeling good about yourself which will allow you to be more productive, take on more life challenges and lead a fulfilling life. This same technique can be applied to other areas of life. In this book, the author talks about habits that lead to financial freedom and just how important it is to find true motivation behind your actions. The author talks about attaching meaning to a specific income goal as opposed to just focusing on a particular number or vaguely defined goals like "having more financial freedom"or "paying of financial debt". What does financial freedom mean to you? If your goal is to make $100,000 this year, explain in detail why this is important to you. Do you want to travel more and explore the world? Secure a great life for your spouse and kids? Spend more time with your family? Similar analogy can be applied to health and fitness goals. What is the meaning behind your health and fitness goal? Why is that important to you? When using this 5 Whys exercise, make sure to write down your goals on a piece of paper. No answer is correct, as long as you are honest with yourself as you explore your deep emotions, past experiences, insecurities, and real desires. |